There should be no need to purchase a home-ed "discount" card of any kind. Ever.
Any venue/museum etc... worth it's salt will honour a home-education booking on the same basis as those for schools. Increasing numbers of places, providers, etc... will also relax the group requirements for home-educating families. To access a group workshop, it would still be necessary to get a group of people together - like playing football, it's very difficult to do some group activities without an actual group).
For things such as online resources, quite often there is a home-ed discount but they just don't publish it (or they make it hard to find), so that it only goes to genuine home-educators. To see if these are available, it is just a case of ringing up and enquiring. For others, (for example, ConquerMaths) they do even greater discounts for groups of home-educators who club together (and there is currently at least one lovely home-educator who is organising this at the moment).
Home-educators should not be discriminated against by venues, organisations etc...; Home educators please don't encourage venues/museums/parks/organisations/companies to only deal with "discount card providers" and the like. By doing this home-educators will undermine their rights to be dealt with as educators (albeit on a smaller scale) and encourages organisations to only deal with other organisations (and not individual families and small groups)
Don't let it become the norm for home-educators to have to produce a "card" or be part of an organisation in order to avail of educational discounts.
As more museums, parks, organisations, establishments, companies, resource providers and so on, realise that home-educators have equal rights with schools the choice grows wider and better for all.
(The above was originally part of a personal blog but has been reproduced here. Also, please further note the following:
It is not the policy or practice for me (Lou) to negotiate exclusive home-education discounts. Where a home-education discount has been negotiated for a trip, it is made clear that it should be available to all home-educators/HE groups and there is no exclusivity. I would encourage all home-educators who organise trips etc to do the same)
See here for some general home-education discounts that are available on request/without a card.
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